The Health Centre, Ash Meadow, Much Hadham, Herts, SG10 6DE
Telephone: 01279 842 242
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Practice closed for training Thursday 5th Sept 2024 Measles Update from NHS England Down at the Doctors September 2024 Patient Satisfaction Survey July 2024
The Jack May Trust Fund was initially founded to facilitate the use of donations to the Health Centre to provide items specifically of benefit to patients and for which funding might not otherwise be available. It is a registered charity (thus enabling the benefit of Gift Aid donations), funded by various sources of income such as donations and the proceeds of fund raising events.
The Trustees are Colin Brookbanks, Peter Brighton, Peter Appleton and Kay Kerr.
Proposals for the use of the Trust’s income are considered at meetings of the Trustees with Health Centre staff, with authorisation of expenditure on approved projects being the specific responsibility of the Trustees and implementation being the responsibility of pertinent staff.
Expenditure to date has covered such diverse items as:
Donations to the Fund are always welcome (by cash or cheque made payable to Jack May Trust Fund) and further information on the Fund can be obtained from Reception, the Practice Manager or any of the Trustees.